Respiratory Protection & Hearing Protection Fit Testing


Each of our technicians here at Complete Envirotest are qualified and expertly trained in respiratory protection and hearing protection. Further, they have been assessed and are registered with the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH). 

There is a lot to understand when it comes to meeting your Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and Hearing Protection Device (HPD) requirements. 

As every person’s face, ears and ear canals vary in shape and size, finding the most suitable protection isn’t always as straight forward as expected. When it comes to RPE, it’s imperative that the chosen device is fitted correctly every time. 


A good seal must be achieved when the respiratory device is attached to the persons face. If it’s not fitted accurately, contaminated air can leak into the respirator, exposing your worker to health risks and complications. 

Exposure to high noise levels can lead to permanent hearing damage, and in the mining industry, noise is a given. It’s because of this that HPD are a compulsory inclusion for safe and functional workplaces. 

Similar to RPE, HPD need to be carefully selected and fitted appropriately in order for them to offer the protection required. Different areas within your workplace will also experience varying levels of noise, therefore, ensuring the correct hearing protection is used in the correct environment is also crucial.

This is where respiratory and hearing fit tests play a significant role. 

Respiratory and hearing fit test not only ensure your equipment compliance, they are also a beneficial resource used to educate workers on the correct ways to wear protective gear and will guide them through the complex nature of varying makes, models and requirements. 

During a respiratory and hearing fit test, we will also demonstrate the manufacturers suggestions for safe cleaning and storage of RPE and HPD.


Noise Monitoring


Water Testing